Blog & Insights

Articles and videos on modernising web applications using AI and Cloud Native infrastructure.

Our content is designed to help you navigate the complexities of integrating cutting-edge technologies into your web services, ensuring scalability, reliability, and efficiency.

Cloud & AI News

  • Application modernisation: Capture logs as event streams

    Why we should treat logs as event streams

    Capture and process those logs centrally using an observability stack; which means we can set up monitoring and alerting.

  • Application modernisation: Dev/Prod Parity

    Identical Development, Staging and Production environments

    We should have parity between instances run in local development and those run in the production environment so that we run into fewer issues

  • Disposable Application Processes

    Disposable Processes: Fast scaling of your web apps

    The seventh factor in a 12-factor app is that the app should “scale out via the process model.” Concurrent processing helps us scale out our application by performing processing in parallel.

  • Google Cloud Landing Zone

    Jumpstart your Google Cloud journey with a bootstrapped Google Cloud Landing Zone

    A bootstrapped Google Cloud Landing Zone is a secure, efficient, and organised environment that aligns with industry best practices. 

  • Parallel processing

    Scale-up app processing using CONCURRENCY (Parallel processing)

    The seventh factor in a 12-factor app is that the app should “scale out via the process model.” Concurrent processing helps us scale out our application by performing processing in parallel.

  • What is port binding?

    What is PORT BINDING?

    The sixth factor in a 12-factor app is that the app should “export services via port binding.” Port binding improves an application’s portability and security and makes it easier to work with by allowing us to have multiple processes…

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